Jeanne-Marie Carr

Ms. Jeanne-Marie Carr: comes to Gateway with many years of teaching grades K-12 and, most recently, administering GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs), a federal grant through College OPTIONS and Shasta College at Enterprise High School, Parsons Jr. High, and Anderson High School. This grant provided for services for career exploration and college awareness/access for students. The majority of Ms. Carr’s teaching has been at the high school level in the Social Science department, but she has also spent time teaching elementary grades of kindergarten, 2nd & 4th grades, and at the junior high level, including English Language Learner intervention. Ms. Carr has multiple and single subject credentials, and a Masters in Public Administration. Ms. Carr is a walnut farmer and enjoys spending time with her family and dogs. She is on the Board of Directors and a freshmen recruiter for Santa Clara University, an active Girl Scout co-leader and Regional Delegate, a youth coordinator for the Sons of Italy, and volunteer usher for the Cascade Theater. Ms. Carr is a big 49’er fan!

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