Career Technical Education

Career Technical Education: ROP Work Experience

Regional Occupational Program

The Shasta-Trinity Regional Occupational Program (ROP) offers high quality vocational and technical job training. Whether you are a high school student searching for a career path, a college bound student needing courses pertaining to your major, or an adult seeking new job skills, ROP provides:

  • Job training for entry-level, marketable skills.
  • A certificate describing skill proficiency.
  • High school credits that count towards graduation.
  • Allows students to begin their college education on the high school campus
  • through articulation with community colleges. See Career Center for specific unit information.
  • All ROP programs meet practical arts graduation requirements.


All residents of Shasta County sixteen years and older who can benefit from instruction are eligible for enrollment in the Shasta-Trinity ROP. Preference will be given to high school seniors. Students interested in this program should contact their counselor or career education specialist. ROP classes may be held off campus, which will require spending a part of the day away from the regular high school. Students may be required to provide proper attire and/or their own transportation.

ROP Campus

7500 Fall AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALTIES - ROP (a.m. and p.m.) Year

7501 Spring Fall and Spring Required

20 Cred.

Location: ROP Campus

Prerequisites: None

Open to 11th and 12th grades

College Credit Available

Automotive Specialties is a program designed to prepare students to perform job entry skills in the automotive repair field. Students are given hands-on training in the following areas: engine fundamentals, brake repair, alignment, ignition, cooling system, starting and charging systems, lubrication, tires, suspension and steering, carburetion, air conditioning, automotive business procedures in addition, at the ROP campus an advanced program certified by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) is available to students. This certification is widely recognized as a standard of achievement for automobile technicians. Students are trained to nationally recognized standards for professional automotive technicians. A student meeting the prescribed standards is eligible to take the national exam. The ROP class will substitute for one year of the 2-year experience requirement for full certification for those students passing the exam.

7535 - Fall INTERNETWORKING (CISCO) - ROP (p.m..) Year

7536 - Spring Fall and Spring Required

Location: ROP Campus 20 Cred.

Prerequisites: Computer skills with a C or better

Open to 11th and 12th grades

12 Units College Credit Available

This course is a four-course series designed to prepare students for the Cisco Certified Networking Association (CCNA) exam. Instructional materials developed by Cisco Systems are utilized for the course. The course covers WANs and Routers, Router CLI, Router Components, Router Startup and Setup, Router Configuration IOS Images, TCP/IP, IP Addressing, Routing, Routing Protocols, and Network Troubleshooting. The course utilizes multi-media, computer-based training materials plus hands-on lab experience with LAN/WAN switches and routers.

7534 - Fall A+ CERTIFICATION ROP (a.m.) Year XXXX - Spring Fall and Spring Required 20 Cred.

Location: ROP Campus .

Students will need own transportation

Prerequisites: Computer skills with a C or better

Open to 11th and 12th grades

12 Units College Credit Available

This course provides the student with the knowledge and skills to pass the A+ core hardware and OS technologies certification tests. The Comptia A+ certification exams are nationally recognized, and measures essential competencies for an entry-level computer technician. Topics covered are microcomputer architecture, personal computer hardware, including Microsoft Windows installations, configurations, and troubleshooting. Students learn how to assemble and configure a computer, install operating systems and software, and troubleshoot hardware and software problems. Provides internship opportunities to students in a workplace.

7560 - Fall COSMETOLOGY - ROP Year

7561 - Spring Plus Summer

20 Cred.

Location: Shasta School of Cosmetology

Students will need own transportation

Requirements: Must meet a placement test during their junior year, by the first

week of May. Students are admitted on the basis of placement test scores. A mandatory meeting for the student and parent is required one week after enrollment to discuss school rules and regulations. Must attend class full-time during the summer between their junior and senior years and continue attending a minimum of four hours per day through their senior year.

This course is designed to meet the training needs of those students wishing to take the cosmetology state board examination to become a licensed cosmetologist. Sixteen hundred (1600) hours are required by the state to develop skills in the following, as well as other areas: hairdressing, hair cutting and shaping, chemical waving and straightening, hair coloring, scalp and hair treatments, facials and manicuring.

(NOTE: Students must provide their own transportation).

7595 - Fall FIREFIGHTER/PUBLIC SAFETY ROP (p.m.) (1st year) Year

7596 - Spring Fall and Spring Required

20 Cred.

Location: ROP Campus

Prerequisites: None

Open to 11th and 12th grades

This course will educate emergency responders about the basic strategies to safeguard their health and safety when work involved potential exposure to hazardous material. Students will be taught how to detect substances, consult references, implement work practices, and become familiar with roles, responsibilities and safety precautions. This course will also introduce students to Incident Command System, Career Placement (seasonal employment), and a comprehensive Emergency Medical Services System. This course is MANDATORY FOR Firefighting students considering the RIDE-ALONG PROGRAM. (It is suggested that students take this class as a junior, then enroll in the Firefighter Training class as a senior. Both classes are highly recommended for all students considering a seasonal firefighter position, which requires certifications involving both classes.)

7590 - Fall FIREFIGHTER TRAINING ROP - (a.m.) (2nd year) Year

7591 - Spring Fall and Spring Required

20 Cred.

Location: Redding Fire Department (Enterprise)

Students will need own transportation

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Firefighter/Public Safety

Open to 11th and 12th grades

College credit available

This course is designed to provide the student with basic fundamentals and training skills for the fire service, including fire suppression techniques, equipment operation, First Responder emergency medical care and rescue practices, wild land firefighter training and hazardous materials training. Teaching methods used are lecture, audio visual materials, manipulative skills of tools and equipment in a working fire department setting, field trips, special training sessions such as house burns, oil and gas fire school, and other special events. The physical exercises and drills performed during the class will be done according to the techniques of instruction of the local departments (USFS, CDF, and IFSTA) manuals. A CPR card, First Responder Certification, and Hazardous Materials Certificate may be earned through this course.


7631 - Spring Fall and Spring Required

20 Cred.

Location: ROP Campus

Prerequisites: A clean juvenile record and the ability to read, write, and understand

English is a must for this class and for future employment in the law enforcement field.

Open to 11th and 12th grades

College credit available

This course combines the above CSI curriculum with the AOJ curriculum, which provides students with the basic skills and knowledge to begin the complex process of becoming a law enforcement officer. The causes and remedies for crime and the history of law enforcement are explored. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of modern law enforcement agencies and court systems at the local, state, and federal level. Included is the teaching of certain hands-on skills used by officers: search and arrest techniques, handcuffing, and hand-to-hand combat. It is suggested that all students interested in employment participate in the additional 180-hour community classroom portion of the training program. This course is articulated with Shasta College.


7503 Spring Fall and Spring Required

20 Cred.

Location: To Be Determined

Must provide own transportation

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Administration of Justice/CSI and teacher recommendation.

Open to 12th grade

This course is designed to give advanced students on the job training in their chosen career field after completing the first year Administration of Justice program.

7680 - Fall CAREERS WITH CHILDREN - ROP (p.m.) Year

7681 Spring Fall and Spring Required

20 Cred.

Location: ROP Campus / Community Sites

Prerequisites: Students will be required to show evidence of a current negative TB skin test before being permitted to work with children. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain this skin test from the Shasta County Health Department or their own physician. Dependability and good attendance is necessary to participate in the program. Students must be willing to set a good example for children in speech, attitude and dress.

Open to 11th and 12th grades

College credit available

This program is designed to help students interested in working with children develop appropriate skills and techniques that reflect the latest research in child development. Upon completion of the course, the student will have knowledge in child development (birth through eight years), be able to demonstrate positive speech and guidance techniques, be aware of safety and other factors affecting children's health, understand the role of nutrition in physical and mental development and will have had practical experience in assisting teachers in introducing children to learning activities in music, art, science, literature, etc.


(2 hours) OCCUPATIONS - ROP (2 or 3 hours) (a.m. and p.m.) Year

7705 & 7706 Fall and Spring Required

20 Cred.

(3 hours) Location: Shasta County Office of Education/Local Restaurants

Prerequisites: None

Open to 11th and 12th grades

College credit available

This program is designed to prepare students for employment as cooks helper, fry cook, broiler cook, line cook, baker, bus person, cashier, hostess, and server. Training areas covered in the program include food safety, health codes and regulations; math skills involved in purchasing and preparation; cost of food and equipment; menu planning; practical experience in the purchase, preparation and service of meets, soups sauces, salads, egg dishes, fish entrees, vegetables and desserts; use of herbs and spices; interpersonal relationships and career planning. Students become familiar with tools and responsibilities of each station through hands-on experience in actual food service operations. Students who exhibit above average initiative and performance have the opportunity to train in the community. .

Many of our Restaurant & Culinary Arts ROP students volunteered & participated in preparing & serving dinner at the California Restaurant Association’s 2010 Golden Plate Awards Banquet & Culinary Competition held March 1st at Holiday Inn. This year’s focus was on ROP Students with numerous scholarships presented that evening & more to follow after review of scholarship applications in April. Our Shasta-Trinity ROP Restaurant Occupations “Team” (Chelsey Hnyp, Emma Jones, & Courtney Greyshock) who all intern at Rivers Restaurant won FIRST Place ($900 Scholarship) in the competition. They made an awesome & incredible display!!

The CRA also presented our Restaurant Program with a $500 donation (WVHS & FHS too).

We are so very proud of all the students who participated!!

Attached are a few pictures of our Restaurant team from the Culinary Competition.


Our STROP Restaurant Program has been designated as a State Model ROP Program!

We’ve attached a program overview for some specific highlights. Below are quotes from the CA State website regarding model programs & practices.

Additionally, our program has been approved as an exam administrator of the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals affording our students the opportunity to attain ServSafe (Food Safety Manager) Certification. It’s no secret that the restaurant and foodservice industry is constantly growing. In fact, it is estimated that from 2004 to 2012 the number of jobs in the restaurant and foodservice industry will increase by 1.5 million – of which approximately 70,000 will be management positions. The National Restaurant Association and the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation are working hard to help meet this need through initiatives such as the ProStart program (used in our program), which encourage students like ours to consider careers in the restaurant and foodservice industry.

As the nation’s largest private sector employer, the restaurant and foodservice industry is the cornerstone of the American economy, of career-and-employment opportunities, and of local communities. We are focused on enhancing this position by providing the industry with valuable tools and resources needed to educate our current and incoming employees.

What is a model practice?

  • A model practice has the following characteristics:
  • Demonstrates exemplary and replicable qualities
  • Meets the needs of the local community
  • Offers relevant, coherent curriculum that reflects industry and state standards and career preparation standards
  • Links learner goals to program accountability
  • Includes all the stakeholders in leadership and planning
  • Incorporates the curriculum and instruction that best meets the needs of the students

What does it mean to be named a model program and practice?

ROCPs that are designated with model programs and practices will be recognized by the California Department of Education and California Association of Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (CAROCP) for their exemplary programs, listed on the CAROCP Web site as a program or practice of distinction, and receive local and statewide media attention as model programs and practices. A summary of each program will also be posted on the CDE Web site.


All students must successfully complete basic hospital orientation (core) before applying for specific classes. Core is offered once a year in the fall. After completing orientation, students enroll in specific classes. Students must understand that placement into specialty programs is not automatic. Specialty programs offered may vary depending on community need. All clinical sites are arranged by instructors. ROPs Medical Careers Programs are designed to meet the needs of students interested in careers in medical fields. Students can receive entry level skills for employment, certificates in technical areas of training, and an academic foundation for continuing on to a college or another vocational program. With our community classroom site program, placing students in the local nursing homes, clinics, and physical therapy offices, provides them with an array of opportunities to acquire hands-on training, as well as classroom instruction and job seeking skills. These programs are based on high standards of academics, professionalism and grooming. Finger printing, history and physical exam. TB skin test must be completed prior to clinical experience.

7601 - Fall PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN I (p.m.) Term

7602 Spring 10 Cred.

Location: ROP Campus/Community Sites

Prerequisites: Counselor recommendation, good attendance, successfully complete orientation

Open to 11th and 12th grades

This class covers basic skills in electrocardiography, lab phlebotomy, and patient care. Some subjects covered are:


How to use an EKG machine

How to use a vital signs monitor

Patient preparation

Basic interpretation

Scheduling/transcribing orders

Basic venipuncture practice (drawing blood on manikin)

7603 - Fall PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN II (a.m.) Term

7604 Spring 10 Cred.

Location: ROP campus / To Be Determined

Provide own transportation

Prerequisites: successfully complete Patient Care Technician I

Open to 11th and 12th grades

Students will use their Nursing Assistant training as they expand their basic patient care skills in specialty areas such as: medical/surgical; gynecology; orthopedics; pediatrics; emergency room; and specialty care units. Students must have own transportation.

7626 - Spring CLINICAL NURSING ASSISTANT (a.m.) Term

10 Cred.

Location: ROP Campus/To Be Determined

Provide own transportation

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Patient Care Tech I and acceptance into course.

Open to 11th and 12th grades (16 years of age or older)

Upon completion of this course, students will be eligible to take the State certification examination. The nurse assistant will exhibit the knowledge and ability to perform job-entry skills, such as vital signs, bathing, and personal care of patients. They will be able to communicate effectively with patients and their family members. Students must pass a written and manual skills exam. (Student must have own transportation.) (Note: This course is an alternative make-up class for Biology)

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